EDIT 10/2/09- New newspost soon probably, I have more motivation to animation, more info later.
Had to post that my voting power is 6.66 votes, excluding the B/P points.
I have not made any progress with my animations since my last post, although I have been reading and learning more about flash hopefully to make it more enjoyable when done.
I am hoping to start work on it soon when I get a few days off to sit down and focus on it. I am narrowing things down because since I made such a laundry list of things I needed to do it has kept me from starting. Instead of saying what I will do, heres what I want to do.
I want to make my original project thing, really badly so I can see what I can do with my own drawings. To ease my stress of making every single thing, I will probably use sprites for effects like blood, bullet casings, muzzle flashes, wounds, wall blood, and probably feets. I also think I am going to use the G36 that Deimos uses because Krinkels made a lot of different perspectives of the gun such as looking directly at it, several 3D angles and such that I know I cannot accomplish with my own drawings.
With my urge to make my main project, Restitution again is pushed farther back although as I get better I might like to try it if I get good at animating effects, I don't want to make it without making cool Jesus powers.
And Incorrigability is basically a project between the two.
Essentially, I hope to have my original project and the dad easter egg done for madness day. I could do that dad easter egg in about 3 days time but haven't taken the time to do so, waiting on MC9 sheets due to the plot involving Hank being revived, although written before learning of hank's new persona so I don't know what I will do there.
And next post I WILL have an image of some sort, probably either a good close up of the main character in my new thing in one of his two forms, one being all cut up and bloody or before he got all messed up. Maybe a high res wacom tablet version that in no way could be used in animation.
I want to give plot spoilers but I am also very lazy to type them out and everything is very tentative but as stated before, the song Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya will be in there, probably from both Drop Kick Murphey's and maybe a little bit of the old traditional version.
Had to name the main character Johnny to match the song and what happens to Johnny. I think his last name will be Blitz, because it subtly relates to his fate if I continue the flash with the other half I would like to do.
Anyone who can think of a cool last name for a russian antagonist please put in comments, I am running out of thought and am about to rip off Max Payne for sentimental reasons.
I just need to focus, instead of killing these guys